Power transmission infrastructure will unlock renewable potential in this region

Power transmission infrastructure will unlock renewable potential in this region

6 june 2024 0000
This conference is very interesting to us because we are quite exposed in the region at the moment. The organization I represent the CESI company which is an Italian technical consultant working on the Green Energy Corridor. So, we are supporting the Azerbaijan government to develop this power transmission infrastructure that will help unlock renewable potential in the region. So, we are quite engaged at the moment with the local energy sector and will be working here for the next few months, and this conference is definitely a very important showcase to have all the stakeholders and participants to this very dynamic moment in the local energy sector to liaise, talk and discuss the main issues, to try of course to solve and eliminate the bottlenecks that are, perhaps, preventing acceleration of the green energy plan.
The key message I would like to deliver is that in order for this facility to be justified it’s extremely important to find the right commercial conditions developed to accomplish a proper design of the infrastructure that will be designed fit for the purpose, to find an ideal and optimal business model for managing this infrastructure and to determine a stable revenue stream. So, this will help all the other investors to come and to actively participate. 
Andrea Meola

Business Development Global Director
CESI (Italy)